Educational Services

Here is a list of services we provide with descriptions on what to expect.

Intervention Assessment

Complete Assessment

This assessment includes the personality and multiple intelligence information that is included in the “What Kind of Learner Am I?” assessment. 
Additionally, included is the Kauffman Brief Visual and Verbal IQ assessment, Auditory Processing assessment, review of educational reports, creation of learning plan and strategies, and meeting with parents to review best practices for the student.


“What Kind of Learner Am I?”

Cater to your students’ learning style

Assessments on your student’s learning style and personality. Based on given academic history from family, a report will be created on your student’s learning profile as well as action steps to help support and encourage future academic success.

This is a natural precursor to creating a specific learning plan with instructor or study habit plan with family and learner.

(includes both scheduled assessment with student and subsequent family consultation)

One on One Intervention Services or Tutoring

Prep your student

Students can meet with instructor for 1 hour sessions to strengthen an area of academic weakness or to accelerate in a particular subject in order to fast – track their academic career. ACT/SAT Prep or Credit Recovery are also available.

$45/ Hour

One on One Intervention Sessions 


High School Credits through Compass Prep
Directed Studies

Credit Recovery &
Prepare for  College 

Compass Prep Directed Studies Program can assist with accredited transcripts and preparing students for college.
Compass Prep will accredit any high school courses that are completed with Study Solutions. This is a great opportunity for Credit Recovery, to get ahead, and gain high school credits in a one on one setting.

You can visit their website here: